Card Chex lets you easily and quickly price check your trading cards!You can also use a Yu-Gi-Oh and MtG lifepoints calculator to track your lifepoints, and view forbidden and limited lists, all inside one easy-to-use app!Use Card Chex to easily check prices before you trade your rare cardsStep 1. Press SearchStep 2. Type in a keyword or card number from your trade binderStep 3. Instantly view the prices and see what your item is worthStep 4. PROFITYou can compare prices on multiple websites including:eBay Completed ListingsCardmarketTroll and ToadChaos CardsMagic MadhouseTCG PlayerKool KingdomAmazonGoogleMake sure you know what your cards are worth and dont let people fool you into thinking their trading cards are more expensive! Card Chex is perfect for trading card game buyers and trading card game sellers or even collectors of rare, holo or foil trading cards. Try out the handy Yugioh Lifepoints Calculator and Magic the Gathering Lifepoints Tracker in "Tools"!Card Chex works for all trading cards including these brands:YuGiOhMagic the GatheringPokemon: TCGCardfight: VanguardDragonball: TCGForce of Will: Trading Card GameStar Wars DestinyWorld of Warcraft the Trading Card GameFinal Fantasy TCGDragoborneWeiẞ SchwarzBuddyfightNetrunnerMy Little Pony TCGSpoils DigimonCard Chex supports multiple regions - open the sidebar to find all the settingsYour region isnt supported? Want a specific feature or tool? Having any problems?Contact me at
[email protected] and Ill get it sorted! Theres an easy "Contact" link in the sidebarThe team at Epic Appz and any person involved in the production or promotion of the Card Chex app in no way represent eBay, Konami, Wizards of the Coast or any other company including but not limited to those used in the app.Card Chex uses affiliate links and in-app advertisements to support further development of the app. Before using the app, please read our privacy policy: Card Chex today to easily value your trading cards and track lifepoints with the lifepoints calculators